Regeling reguleren smaken e-sigaret


Naam M. C Bamberger
Plaats Paris
Datum 27 september 2022


Wat vindt u van de concept regeling?
You state risks but without demonstrating comparable with other common goods (currently vaping products following EU regulation are safer than a lot of common goods). Currently the risk evaluation for vaping products is far lower than smoke (including vehicles smoke), so much lower that it is lower than a lot of treats, most drinks (including non-alcoholic ones).

You state actions but without proportionality in other comparable products and no proof of even being efficient in other comparable domains. Strangely, even considerably more risky products, far more often used by teens, proven to be an initiation to risky behavior, like flavored alcoholic beverages are not regulated like that in the EU or in the country.

You state actions but ignore the damaging consequences for the rights and for the health of (adult) citizens who you pretend are not concerned but will be the main victims. Studies show the impact of flavors limitations on smoking relapse of vapers and especially on less quitting from smokers.

You ignore that specific regulations already exist at EU level, general regulations at EU and local level already cover risks you pretend exist (especially Reach/CLP), studies show the pretend smoking risk doesn't show (not in UK, not in France, not in the US, countries very comparable to Netherland) and studies demonstrate adults like flavors and it's a contributing factor to quitting smoking and staying quit.

As an EU citizen I consider this regulation proposal as another breach to a common EU market but also a common EU space where evidence based decisions are made.