Regeling reguleren smaken e-sigaret


Naam Anoniem
Plaats Brussels
Datum 13 september 2022


Wat vindt u van de concept regeling?
I believe Vaping has helped a lot of people to quit smoking and it has been scientifically proven to have less toxicants and to be less harmful than traditional tobacco. Especially all the different flavours have encouraged people to quit smoking, as they can find a different alternative to their habit. Banning these flavours will lead adult smokers back to smoking and all the positive steps that have been taken towards a smoke free future will be automatically cancelled.

Moreover, even if the flavours are banned I strongly believe that we run the risk that consumers will turn to illegal markets where we do not know the origin nor the ingredients of the flavours anymore. We should leave Vaping to the hands of specialists and the responsible manufacturers and outlets for the benefit of the consumers.