Regeling reguleren smaken e-sigaret


Naam Sebastian Diederich
Plaats Den Haag
Datum 27 september 2022


Wat vindt u van de concept regeling?
I think it is completely unreasonable to forbid flavors to something that is helping people quit smoking. No, we should not advertise to children and vulnerable people. We should protect the young and the weak. BUT us adults, we are ADULTS. And we dont need the Government to "protect" us with dictatorial/totalitarian rule. I have been living in the Netherlands for more than 10 years now. I am originally from Venezuela. I left Venezuela to find opportunity and freedom. Freedom of speech, freedom to live my life as I see fit for myself and my family. I did not sign up for a totalitarian regime in disguise. Why is there no voting on something like this? Why is this simply decided by people that have absolutely no idea what they are deciding or even know anything about the general subject. I mean it has been forbidden to SHOW PICTURES on web shops..... These are manipulative and dictatorial actions and I think they should look deep inside and rethink what they want to be known as. I am an adult and I can do as I please as long as I don't hurt anyone. Are we going to end up living in a bland grey society without flavor because everything is too enticing for the weak? I mean we have to use our head and be reasonable..........
I am completely agains this regulation and as I have made clear above, I am agains the government meddling with peoples lives.