verhittingsapparaten en standaardverpakkingen e-sigaretten en sigaren


Naam Anoniem
Plaats Dirmstein
Datum 16 september 2020


Wat is uw mening over de concept regelgeving?
Plain Packaging for E-Cigarettes and Heat-Not-Burn Products are completely nonsense!
Plain Packaging even doesn't work for cigarettes: see example Australia: smoking rates still on the same level.

E-Cigarettes are a safe alternative for people which can't quit smoking with standard tools like cold turkey or NRTs.
The evidence shows, that millions of people worldwide which changed to vaping have quit smoking.
The harm is inhaling the combustible stuff.
E-Cigarettes support the principle of harm reduction. They are about 95% less harmful than cigarettes. In the last ten years since the e-cigarette gets popular there was none reported case, that people get sick of the usage of e-cigarettes.

So I see within e-cigarettes another tool besides NRTs for people to quit smoking.

Plain-Packaging will move e-cigarettes in the same negative area as cigarettes. People might be scared to switch from smoking to vaping. Due to the fact that a lot of politicians, public health lobbyists and media spread misinformation about vaping, smokers often think, that vaping is harmful as smoking, which is definitely not true.

I recommend to discard this bill and support vaping as an alternative for smokers!

Kind regards,