verhittingsapparaten en standaardverpakkingen e-sigaretten en sigaren


Naam ANESVAP (Ms A Muntadas-Prim)
Plaats Barcelona, Spain
Datum 16 september 2020


Wat is uw mening over de concept regelgeving?
Plain packaging, in the long term, doesn’t work. In addition, plain packaging for lower-risk nicotine products would be like lying or hiding information to adult consumers and adult potential users. There is no reason to make tobacco harm reduction products less attractive to people who smoke and to those who have already quit by switching to vaping . The goal should be to incentivize those people who smoke and are unable to quit with traditional methods to totally switch to lower-risk alternatives of nicotine consumption, and plain packaging isn’t attractive at all. We have to keep in mind that adult people who smoke have the right to give up the habit without suffering and even enjoying it, and an attractive packaging (always focused on adults) also helps. Is plain packaging applied in products (also designed for adult consumption) such as coffee or even Coca-Cola? Then why should non combustible nicotine products be treated as combustible cigarettes when nicotine itself is no more harmful than caffeine? People who smoke and vapers are not sinners who have to repent and do penance.