verhittingsapparaten en standaardverpakkingen e-sigaretten en sigaren


Naam Institute of Economic Affairs (Mr C J Snowdon)
Plaats London, England
Datum 16 september 2020


Wat is uw mening over de concept regelgeving?
By definition, e-cigarettes and non-combustible tobacco products are not 'smoking materials'. They are substitutes for smoking materials which help people stop smoking cigarettes (1, 2).

We now have a huge amount of evidence showing that nudging people away from e-cigarettes leads to more cigarette sales. We know that raising the price of vaping products leads to greater sales of cigarettes (3,4). We know that taxing e-cigarettes leads to increased rates of youth smoking (5). And we know that e-cigarette flavour bans lead to increased cigarette sales, as we have seen in San Francisco (6) and more recently across the USA (7).

Putting cigarettes and reduced risk products in the same packaging will send a misleading signal to consumers that there is no benefit from switching away from the most hazardous nicotine delivery device (the cigarette). Banning flavours will make vaping less attractive to smokers who might otherwise switch.

The proposals for standardised packaging for reduced risk products and heavy restrictions on e-cigarette flavours will therefore be counter-productive and will encourage conventional cigarette consumption.
