Uitvoeringswet digitaledienstenverordening
Signify Netherlands B.V. (Lead Intellectual Property Counsel J Mombers)
25 augustus 2023
U kunt reageren op het ontwerp wetsvoorstel en de ontwerp memorie van toelichting. In uw reactie kunt u bijvoorbeeld ingaan op de keuze voor de toezichthouders en de noodzaak tot samenwerking met andere nationale autoriteiten. Verder kunt u voorbeelden noemen van onderwerpen die geregeld zijn in de DSA.
Dear colleagues,
An alliance of companies that have a strong connection with The Netherlands, representing a wide range of industries, welcome the Dutch draft legislative proposal and the draft Explanatory Memorandum for the DSA Implementation Act.
The signatories are of the opinion that for the reasons set out in the annexed letter, Intellectual property right holders merit to be afforded with the trusted flagger status in their own right.
On behalf of this alliance we would like to provide you with the annexed letter.
Wishing you a safe receipt and remaining at your availability for further discussion, we remain,
Yours truly