Wet betaalbare huur


Naam V Subramanian
Plaats Hilversum
Datum 18 maart 2023


Wat is uw achtergrond? Reageert u bijvoorbeeld als particulier, als huurder, als vastgoedeigenaar, als verhuurder, als belegger, namens een onderneming, namens een organisatie, of iets anders?
Vignesh Subramanian, Particulier verhuurder


Wat vindt u van het wetsvoorstel betaalbare huur en de onderliggende besluiten?
I find this law to be unilaterally punishing the individual landlords like me. I don’t have a good pension plan. So my wife and I bought two rental apartments with all our life’s savings + mortgage, to give us a decent pension when we retire. We renovated my apartments, furnished it and am renting it now to happy tenants. We make 4 -5% returns on it now. We feel proud to contribute to the society in doing our bit to reduce the housing shortage.

Now, I hear that the Box 3 tax will go to 6.17%., the ‘leegwaarde ratio’ is increased, And also the middenhuur restriction. It’s a perfect storm that will make my returns negative. It’s as if, the government wants to target the landlords specifically with an agenda for contributing to the society.

It is fair to target bad landlords, but the law affects more good landlords like us than the bad ones. If this law goes through, I will be forced to sell our rental apartments at gun point. It will be a constitutional violation of our human rights where the state turns our lives upside down. And it reduces the supply of rental homes and drives the free sector rents even higher. It’s a lose-lose game where no one wins.

I will finish by saying this. “Let free market be free!”. Let the demand and supply control the price. If you regulate the rental market, why don’t you also regulate the mortgage interest rates which tripled in 6-8 months but the deposit interest rates that has not risen? Such sharp rise of interest rates in such a short time is also affecting a lot of people. While the banks don’t pay the same interest to depositors. Why don’t you regulate banks to pay the high interest to depositors too..? Perhaps the government is toothless to go against the big bank lobby while small landlords like me and my wife are an easy pick. You can’t let the financial sector follow the market but just regulate the real estate sector. Market house rents are no different than the movement in mortgage interest rates or the deposit interest rates or the price of tomatoes or Gasoline. All of them are essential to live. And their prices rise and fall based on demand and supply in a free economy. So either regulate all of them or none. Please don’t destroy prudent and honest individual landlords like our family who contribute to the society. I hope the common sense prevails. Thank you.