Wet betaalbare huur


Naam Anoniem
Plaats Amsterdam
Datum 17 maart 2023


Wat is uw achtergrond? Reageert u bijvoorbeeld als particulier, als huurder, als vastgoedeigenaar, als verhuurder, als belegger, namens een onderneming, namens een organisatie, of iets anders?
I am a private individual landlord


Wat vindt u van het wetsvoorstel betaalbare huur en de onderliggende besluiten?
Regulation to a certain extent is understandable, but the current bill does not allow for a reasonable return. I have an apartment that I rent out. Soon I will have to renovate the bathroom. That will cost me about EUR 4000. Recently I also had to replace the refrigerator for EUR 800. If I deduct the sum of these amounts from the rent per month, I only arrive at a rent of EUR 1100 per month for an apartment of 67 m2 in central Amsterdam. And then I have not included the other costs of the VvE, regular maintenance, etc. This also applies to the ever-increasing WOZ value on the basis of which I pay wealth tax. Wealth tax has risen substantially in recent years.

I am convinced that this law will only result in fewer private sector homes and that it will not benefit either the landlords or the home seekers. If this law is introduced, I will absolutely sell my rented apartment as soon as the current tenant/expat leaves. Of course that will be up to the highest bidder, which will almost certainly be an expat.