Wijziging van het Besluit kinderopvangtoeslag 2023
15 maart 2022
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What are the implications of this for childminders?
1. We expect that childminders and childminder agencies are unable and unwilling to lower their rates.
In most cases, a reduction in the maximum hourly rate means that parents will pay a higher personal contribution.
2. This increase can certainly be significant for the lowest incomes. In addition, approximately 40 to 50% of the parents who use childminder care have a job in care, education or childcare (because of the flexible hours). And it is precisely this target group that is now being disadvantaged.
3. By increasing the parents' own contribution, childminder childcare becomes relatively more expensive than other types of childcare. This makes childminder care financially unattractive.
4. The hourly rate is often already on the low side to cover the costs of childminders and childminder agencies. An increase in the hourly rate is necessary to be able to work in a cost-effective manner and to be able to invest sufficiently in the quality of the childminder care.
We do not agree to this decision as it will affect negatively both Gastouders and parents. We believe the money can be spent better.