Wet op de inlichtingen- en veiligheidsdiensten 20..


Naam Dhr. E van Rijn
Plaats Sint-Oedenrode
Datum 31 augustus 2015


Wat vindt u van dit voorstel voor een nieuwe Wet op de inlichtingen- en veiligheidsdiensten? U wordt verzocht aan te geven op welke onderdelen van het wetsvoorstel of de memorie van toelichting uw reactie betrekking heeft.
The dragnet

It worries me that the necessity for a power as invasive as this is only summarily dealt with in the explanatory pages. Without convincing evidence demonstrating the necessity of a new dragnet interception power, such a power is simply superfluous.

The minister claims that this new power is indispensable. But surely a more adequate justification is necessary for a power that may violate the constitutional rights of citizens. The government should clarify at least 3 points. First: why is this power necessary? Second: where is the evidence for the minister's claim that the current powers are insufficient? Third: which problem is it that this new, invasive power is going to solve? If these questions cannot be answered adequately, the power apparently is unnecessary.


I believe it is irresponsible to allow politicians to make the decision regarding whether a specific mandate was justified or not. They are not qualified to pass verdict on such matters.

It would be much better if the verdict of the oversight committee would be binding, or if a judge would pass verdict. Both scenarios would guarantee that the verdict would not be a political one.

Exchange with foreign services

I think it's important that due caution is exercised in the exchange of data with foreign secret services. Of course it should be possible to exchange data when necessary, but such an exchange should always be limited in its scope. The Netherlands should simply not exchange data from, or data concerning, its own citizens in bulk with other countries.