Wet herinvoering basisbeurs hoger onderwijs


Naam Anoniem
Plaats Oirschot
Datum 19 mei 2022


Wilt u reageren op het wetsvoorstel herinvoeren basisbeurs? Dan kunt u hier uw reactie geven. U kunt dat doen door een bericht achter te laten of door een bericht te uploaden.
The proposed basisbeurs is way too low. You have to take into consideration how high the cost of living has become. Not just around the world but here too.

Further, I would like to think I will receive more than 1.000 euro to pay my 50.000+ euro debt. It is unfair and straight up robbery to have a generation stack up debt while the generation before is happy as they can be debt free, working in C level positions, own a house, etc. In the meantime, I’m struggling to make ends meet because my basisbeurs is simply not enough to survive in today’s economy. Dus ja, pechgeneratie.

Lastly, my little sister is starting her studies this fall, does that mean that because she didn’t want to wait a year (until the basisbeurs comes back), she will now also start a crippling debt? It’s just unacceptable that a society that almost always requires you to at least have a BA degree doesn’t help you and provides you with tools to do so.


De basisbeurs wordt opnieuw ingevoerd per studiejaar 2023/2024. Het voorstel is dat de basisbeurs niet automatisch wordt toegekend, maar dat álle studenten zelf een aanvraag moeten indienen om een basisbeurs te kunnen ontvangen. Denkt u dat deze aanvraag tot problemen zal leiden bij studenten?
This doesn’t seem like a good option. People will have less overview and it makes the whole process less transparent.

For example, I’m about to finish my studies and recently found out I could’ve applied for aanvullende beurs without adding up to my debt. So, I’ve gone many months eating just noodles with water because it was never properly explained to me that I could’ve received 100 or so extra euros a month by applying for aanvullende beurs.