Wijziging Opiumwet vanwege nieuwe psychoactieve stoffen


Naam Naturetrust.org a registered non-profit organization (Mr RM Langner)
Plaats Dillizerstrasse 27c in 82211 Herrsching, Germany
Datum 20 april 2020


Graag vernemen wij uw reactie op het conceptwetsvoorstel tot wijziging van de Opiumwet.
Years ago German pharmaceutical experts crafted a strikingly similar precursor of this NPS law, todays version is:
Just like your current draft, the draft of the German precursor also created a backdoor for the pharmaceutical lobby to criminalize all plants that ever might compete with their highly addictive Opiates. Upon request of the Alliance for Natural Health ( www.anhinternational.org) the German law draft got changed and excluded natural sources by adding to the definition at § 2, at the end of the second sentence, this exclusion: “außer den natürlich vorkommenden Gemischen und Lösungen.“
Now your current draft does again not exclude naturals and this will open the door to the Pharmalobby to criminalize all natural competition.

It’s a revolting thought, that this German text bug creeped back into your Dutch law text – and that this might end the Netherlands from Being the Bulwark of Liberty for natural health solutions. The people of Europe admire you for your courage in the past, please decide for Natural Health Freedom !