Wijziging Opiumwet vanwege nieuwe psychoactieve stoffen


Naam Roger Neff
Plaats London, England
Datum 20 april 2020


Graag vernemen wij uw reactie op het conceptwetsvoorstel tot wijziging van de Opiumwet.
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

Banning these products will not make them disappear and will not solve any problems, quite the contrary will happen.

Even if they are “grey market” substances, they are professionally produced and tested for quality and purity, which will not be the case once these substances go into the black market underground.

As the past showed, banning existing substances always lead to more novel dangerous variants, see synthetic cannabinoids and synthetic opioids as a result.

With the current legislation the Dutch state can still earn taxes and be a good example to the world for a liberal and realistic drug policy. Many of these compounds deserve at least the chance to be scientifically researched before going to be banned for no good reasons.

The war on drugs did not work out in the past and it also will not work out in the future, so we need to find constructive rather destructive ways to deal with drug policy.

Thank you for your time.

Best regards