Wijziging Opiumwet vanwege nieuwe psychoactieve stoffen


Naam Lukas Blech
Plaats Limburg, Netherlands
Datum 20 april 2020


Graag vernemen wij uw reactie op het conceptwetsvoorstel tot wijziging van de Opiumwet.
I am against this bill for a number of reason.
1) by making such substances illegal, the contribution of such substances will shift into the blackmarket which gives the government no opportunity for taxing and futher endangers users due to the missing regulations regarding purity and such --> Prohibiting a good does not eliminate the market for that good. Prohibition may shrink the market, by raising costs and therefore price, but even under strongly enforced prohibitions, a substantial black market emerges in which production and use continue + blackmarkets also inhibit quality control, which causes more accidental poisonings and overdoses.
2) instead of wasting money on trying to catch users and such vendors, this money is better spend on an informative and objective campaign/ education which aims to educate potential users, kids, teenagers or adults about the risks and pros that certain substances (especially psychoactive substances such as Lysergamides) have
3) some of these psychoactive substances (Lysergamides and Tryptamines) are often used for individual personal growth and do not harm others in the process
4) In a society that legalizes drugs, users face only the negatives of use. Under prohibition, they also risk arrest, fines, loss of professional licenses, and more so instead of punishing users for their drug abuse it is more helpful to actively help them (Portugal)
5) Compared to the social acceptance of alcohol and nicotin and the known health risks such drugs come with, most "research chemicals" seem rather harmless
6) finally, a prohibition of such substances disables ongoing research into their potential in health and medical sector such as psychotherapy...