Wijziging Opiumwet vanwege nieuwe psychoactieve stoffen


Naam CGQ Quigley
Plaats New York
Datum 13 april 2020


Graag vernemen wij uw reactie op het conceptwetsvoorstel tot wijziging van de Opiumwet.
This bill is dangerous and is only going to make things worse. Prohibition of substances does not work, leads to higher crime rates, more work for police forces, larger jails and innocent people just trying to have fun falling victim to crimes. A ban on research chemicals will force people who still want it into a dangerous black market where more harm will come to them. As it stands, there is a level of quality control and safety that is currently in place which will be destroyed by making these substances illegal. Please reconsider this bill, it will not work and will cause far far more harm than good.

https://www.bmj.com/rapid-response/2011/10/28/war-against-drugs-causes-more-harm-good Here's another source