wet natuur
Naam | The French Team (E.S.A COTTE) |
Plaats | 'S Gravenhage |
Datum | 3 november 2011 |
(1) Dragen de voorgestelde wijzigingen ten opzichte van de huidige natuurwetgeving bij aan de balans tussen ecologie en economie?(2) Is het voorliggende wetsvoorstel voor de praktijk duidelijk en uitvoerbaar?
(3) Heeft u verder nog opmerkingen over de inhoud van het wetsvoorstel en de toelichting?
We are 2 Europeans living and working half of the year in the Netherlands, and we are very concerned with the new Dutch Natuurwet.
We saw the Netherlands as a country able to find some balance between nature protection and economic growth, able to promote the protection of fauna, flora and landscapes. Don't forget The Netherlands are famous for their landscapes, tourists don't come to see natural spaces devastated by roads and parking lots.
Economic growth and attractivity of a country also depend on the quality of its nature and environment.
All we see in the new law is that it endangers many specificities of the Netherland : Dutch landscapes, historical continuity of landscape protection, consensual protective decision-making, protection of animal species (birds especially), balance of the territory, ambition for a sustainable future. The reasons for this destruction are not wise and not acceptable (lobby of hunters? of farmers?). There are short-sighted decisions.
As a country within Europe, the Netherlands has to take into account European efforts for nature protection, for instance the protection of migratory birds. As a country visited by many migratory birds, the Netherlands has an important responsability. It's a responsability towards your citizens and also your European neighbours to promote an ambitious and protective Natuurwet.