Wet Voorschriften vrijstelling leerplicht bij richtingbezwaren
heppell.net ltd (Professor Stephen Heppell)
16 juli 2020
Wat vindt u van dit wetsvoorstel?
The bill seems to be headed in entirely the wrong direction. What has been clear from the CoVID crisis is that traditional education NEEDS TO LEARN FROM HOME SCHOOLING and home working as we enter a more blended world of face to face AND at-home learning.
It has been very clear that when we expect home learning to be an analogue of the traditional classroom we create a huge equity problem. Many households cannot reconfigure to align synchronously with the school timetable - perhaps there are siblings with competing needs, a parent is maybe home working too, some home learners are also carers.
But also the ability to work on longer project based tasks, to develop epistemic reasoning - so that children emerge who can "think like a scientist" rather than just knowing science, and to work in a connected way with others around the world, ARE CORE 21ST CENTURY SKILLS. Traditional schooling needs to learn these.
I have attached / uploaded a document that I wrote some while back explaining the importance of home education and a component of a national education service. And also a I have summarised 30+ years of work building online learning projects to scale and with outstanding success. I hope these can all inform a redraft of your Bill. That summary is here: https://heppell.net/lol