Wet Voorschriften vrijstelling leerplicht bij richtingbezwaren
None (A Hahn)
16 juli 2020
Wat vindt u van dit wetsvoorstel?
This bill takes away parental rights guaranteed by the Dutch constitution. Though claiming to retain the rights of parents to decide the educational direction of their children, by giving truancy officers and education inspectors too much subjective power, this bill overrules the rights of families. Religious freedoms must be protected in any free society. To give government officials the power of granting or taking away this religious right simply tramples on a major cornerstone of all just governments. If any homeschooling law is going to be written or adjusted, data and experience prove that more homeschooling should be allowed, not less. Homeschool students excel academically, socially, physically, and mentally. This bill is political rather than truly considering what is best for children, their families, and the country as a whole. For example, requiring Dutch language competency for the parent is illogical educationally. The results of the children's learning are what should matter, and the Dutch language can easily be taught via resources chosen by the parent to meet any requirement of language fluency for students in the Netherlands. This is just one example of how this bill is not constructed to actually benefit the children and the education process, not to mention the existing constitutional rights of parents. Please reconsider this burdensome bill that erodes individual and community freedom.