Wet Voorschriften vrijstelling leerplicht bij richtingbezwaren
Mr N Murphy
13 juli 2020
Wat vindt u van dit wetsvoorstel?
Homeschooling should be legally available to the broad public in the Netherlands just as it is in most Western countries. The bill as proposed does not provide for effective homeschooling but rather creates a significant burden of administration that will reduce the ability of parents to apply their time to educating their children, and to apply excessive control to the content and format of the education undertaken thereby effective dictating the definition of the method of education instead of assessing whether education is actually occurring (the outcome). The scientifically proven effectiveness of homeschooling is derived from the ability for children to follow their own interests and thereby motivate their own education, and for parents to facilitate a child's access to knowledge resources through other people and in other places - not just the knowledge of their own parent or the resources contained within their own place of residence. The bill as proposed appears to be less focused on achieving optimal education outcome for children, and more on imposing penalty for non participation in conventional schooling on both parent and child alike.