Wet Voorschriften vrijstelling leerplicht bij richtingbezwaren
Dr. LJ Hancock
15 juli 2020
Wat vindt u van dit wetsvoorstel?
We are an expat family and our daughter has attended Dutch public school since the age of 4 (she is almost 6 years old now). I greatly appreciate the Dutch public school system, including its high quality and the different options for the types of school that children can attend (eg montessori or Steiner). At the same time, I believe strongly in offering families the option to educate their children at home. I have many friends in my home country who school their children at home in addition to having several adult friends who experienced home schooling themselves. These friends went on to have successful university and professional careers. I have also read books on the subject as I considered home schooling our own daughter. It is my opinion that home schooling is an important option for families to have.
My problem with this bill is with regards to the inability to remove a child from school. It is my experience that many children benefit from home schooling at different times in their school career. Some need more time at home at the beginning, others when they are teenagers for example. Each child is different and their needs change at different developmental stages and with changing emotional and scholarly needs. I believe it is extremely important for parents to have the option to remove a child from public school to educate them at home if needed.